
  • 1 entries
    What NOT to do
  • 6 entries
    What to do
  • In the UK, if you are driving here and trying to overtake someone on the road, always overtake from the right not from the left (which is called undertake). It's illegal to undertake in the UK with only exception when the right lane is even slower than your lane. --CCP_UK
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  • I find that transport in the UK is pretty good. Make use of travel cards where possible as this reduces costs, this is also depending on short visits or relocating. Timetables are online for most journeys whether it be, bus, train or boat. --Leew
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  • When driving on pretty, winding rural roads and appreciating the scenery in Scotland be aware that those following you are going about their everyday business so pull into a lay-by at the earliest opportunity to let them overtake. On single track roads this is a much appreciated courtesy. --Stuart
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  • On escalators on the Underground, stand on the right, and leave the left side free for people in a hurry who want to get up or down more quickly. --Trog
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  • On public transport, stand away from the doors and allow people to get off before you try to get on. You'll be frowned at if you try to push past people getting off. --Trog
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  • You MUST give way to pedestrians on a zebra crossing, and to pedestrians and cyclists on a parallel crossing. --Mandy1
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  • The UK laws of the road were updated in 2022. One new law is that you should give way to pedestrians crossing or waiting to cross a road into which or from which you are turning. If they have started to cross they have priority, so give way. --Mandy1
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