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    What NOT to do
  • 1 entries
    What to do
  • Don’t outrightly reject food from the locals , it could be interpreted as not liking them. Even if you won’t eat, allow them to serve you and make an effort to taste the food with gladness. --Phransix
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  • In Igbo ethnic group of Nigeria, a woman is not allowed to eat the chicken part: gizzard. The gizzard is reserved specially for the men. It is believed that when a woman eats gizzard, she would have a controlling power over her husband. --Assumpta
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  • In Igbo ethnic group of Nigeria, a woman is not allowed to fetch palm wine from the keg of palm wine in the presence of men. It's a taboo to do that. It shows that the woman is not submissive. If she wants to drink palm wine, it's only the males that can fetch it and then serve her. --Assumpta
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  • In Igbo ethnic group of Nigeria, if your plantain tree gives rise to two plantain fingers joined together, it's a sign of bad omen and the joined plantain should be separated with hands at the back and not in front, otherwise the owner of the plantain would give birth to conjoined twins. --Assumpta
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