Never give chrysanthemums as a gift, they are only for All Saints Day to put on graves
Don’t call 14th July ‘Bastille Day’. Its Fete Nationale
--Jane Le Chêne Vert
Don't just pick up stuff in stores! In small towns outside the main tourist areas it's polite to ask permission before handling retail merchandise.
--Christine F
To say hello to a woman one kiss on the cheeck is expected, don t really kiss it, touch her cheek with yours and make a smack noise with your lips. To a man grab the hand. If you are a woman and don t want the cheek kiss, extend your hand to make things clear :). With corona, easier too avoid now :)
Don't cut cheese on a charcuterie as you wish, it's a sacred process for the French and needs to be cut the right way.
Wishing Someone Happy Birthday in Advance: In France, wishing someone a happy birthday before their actual birthday is considered bad luck. Always wait until the day of their birthday or afterward.
Don't Forget to Say Goodbye: When leaving a shop or restaurant, it's polite to say "Au revoir" (Goodbye) to the staff.
Avoid giving knives, scissors, or other sharp objects, as they symbolize cutting the relationship.
Don't Touch the Produce: In markets, avoid touching fruits and vegetables. Instead, indicate to the vendor what you want.
Avoid giving gifts in sets of 13, as it is considered unlucky.
When you enter a shop (bakery, cafe, etc.), it's polite to greet the owner/attendant. A simple "Bonjour!" will do!
bonjour / bonsoir - is for greetings
bonne journée / bonne soirée - when you leave
Place your bread on the table next to your plate instead on your plate
In France, it is appreciated if you are a guest, to come with a small gift, for exemple, flowers, a bottle of wine, some cheese or chocolates.
--Valerie Marcenac
Greet people first with "Bonjour" etc before anything else. Before you order your coffee, before you ask something in a shop, etc. Bonjour first.
Make sure to sit in your assigned seat # on the train, and if there's someone already sitting there and they don't want to move, then it's normal to ask the train conductor to mediate.
When you meet someone, especially if they are older, we use formality in France.
--Valerie Marcenac
It is appreciated to say "Hello" to a bus driver.
--Valerie Marcenac
Be polite, as well as saying bonjour to anyone working in a shop even the cashiers, remembering to say thanks/ merci and goodbye au revoir. If all cases if somebody says bonjour to you always respond with bonjour
--George Colvin
Arriving at a Customer Meeting or in a room With unknown people, say hello to everyone personally and introduce yourself if possible or wave the hand/node the head if there is too much people as it can be perceive arrogant or impolite to “ignore” people.