
Top 10 Things

  • What NOT to do
  • What to do
  • You should not use any offensive words towards Mustafa Kemal Atatürk. --Alice
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  • Do not smoke at cafes or children parks, it is illegal. You can be sentenced to fine. --Alice
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  • Don't try to give money if 'lokma' are distributed on the street, they are doing it for charity. --Alice
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  • Making a sign of approval by joining the index finger and thumb is perceived as an insult by the Turkish people. --Alice
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  • You should not hug or kiss a person who is opposite of your sex at the first meeting, this is seen as inappropriate. --Alice
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  • You should not drink the tap water. Turkish people use purifier in their homes to drink clean water. --Alice
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  • You should not walk in shoes in the house. Turks use carpets all over their houses and their houses are not suitable for walking with shoes. --Alice
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  • You shoul not left any food in your plate, you shoul try to eat them all. Because it is seen as wasting of food can damage your financial situations. --Alice
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  • Your slippers or shoes should not turn inside out. They believe that shoes with an upward sole are bad luck. --Alice
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  • You should not call somebody after 10pm unless it is an emergency. --Alice
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  • in turkey, if you are visiting a place and they offer you to drink tea, it's a sign of good welcoming and sincerity. --hannibal
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  • When submitting your CV, you should include your photo. Because, PR wants to see your face. --Elif
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  • When you move to a new flat, you should visit your neighbors, you can serve them your own food like 'Halva'. --Alice
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  • Be very careful when crossing the street. Even if there is a pedestrian crossing, cars can speed without caring. --Alice
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  • If you invite someone to a place, you have to pay the bill. Paying separate accounts is not very common, especially among lovers, men always pay the bill. --Alice
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  • When you are offered with a clove, you should chew it. It is for your fresh breath. --Elif
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  • in turkey, it's a tradition to come to the wedding with a gift. --hannibal
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  • In Henna Nights, the bride should not open her hands until the mother-in-love gives her a gold coin. --Alice
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  • When you go to a wedding, you should have a gold coin or money for the couples. --Elif
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  • You should celebrate Hıdrellez in Turkey. They make a wish and then jump on the fire. --Alice
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Top contributor: Alice (26 entries)

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