
Top 10 Things

  • What NOT to do
  • What to do
  • Dress well and be treated well --No topless in public
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  • Don't point your feet in the direction of anyone. Keep your feet low to the ground. Never place them on a chair or a bench, or place them near someone's head. Remove your shoes before going inside. --Lol
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  • Don't touch a Thai person's head. Its disrespectful. --Lol
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  • Thais show a great amount of respect for the Buddha. Never touch a Buddha statue on the head, put your feet on a statue, or imitate the Buddha pose. --Rick
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  • Do not call a waiter or person by snapping your fingers or by whistling, this will be sure to cause offence. --Rick
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  • Do not use a Taxi without a meter, as the Taxi drivers may try to charge you double or triple the actual cost of the ride. --Rick
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  • Do not pour your own drink until you pour for others in your group. --GeoDave
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  • Never speak in a rude or negative way about the King or Royal family, in public or on social media, as this can lead to being arrested. (which can and does happen) --Rick
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  • Do not whistle at night. Thai are superstitious and believe whistling at night will summon Spirits. --Thai
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  • If you decide to go to the cinema while in Thailand, before every movie the will be a moment of respect for the King, where everyone will stand up. Do not remain seated, stand up with the Thai people and show respect. --Rick
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  • Shoes off in private homes, pharmacies, doctor’s offices and many other public places. Look for shoes outside the front door and add yours. --Richard Wonka
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  • No toilet paper. Use - and learn to love the cleanliness that is - the butt gun. --Richard Wonka
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  • Wear a mask if most other locals are wearing masks. --Anonymous
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  • When taking rice, only take as much as you can eat. Never waste rice. Be careful never to spill rice. --Lol
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  • Add 'ka' on the end of your words if you're female. 'kup/krup' for male as the polite particle. Sawdee (hello) Sawadee Ka (if you are female saying hello) Sawadee kup (if you are male saying hello) --Lol
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  • When invited to a celebration: birthday, holiday, graduation, it is customary to bring a small gift or gift of money. --chiangmaiwood
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  • Smile, be respectful and polite. Loud, drunk, angry foreigners are frowned upon. --richardwonka
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  • It is common to share meals as a group in Thailand. Therefore, it does not matter what order the food comes out! You'll all be digging in together. So don't be surprised if there's a really long gap in serving you and your friends! --Lol
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  • Raise your hand s together and raise your hands up towards your forehead (similar to a prayer position) to 'wai'. Wai is a form of respect normally used to welcome or greet someone. There are different levels of Wai according to levels of respect. I.e a Monk should have a Wai raised highest! --Lol
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  • If you want to marry a Thai lady, you will generally have to pay a dowry to her parents, especially, if it is her 1st time getting married. This is paid for the ''loss'' of their daughter, who would otherwise have provided for the family. --Rick
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Top contributor: Rick (15 entries)

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