Lao People's Democratic Republic

Top 10 Things

  • What NOT to do
  • What to do
  • Don't play hide and seek at night, because phi will hide you from human sight. (It might be just a superstition or the beliefs they have) --Pooja
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  • Don't pronounce it wrong - Laos is pronounced as "Lao", without "s" sound. --Pooja
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  • Soaking sticky rice too long until it has turned blood red is bad luck --Pooja
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  • Don’t leave the designated and commonly used pathways near the border with Vietnam - there still might be some unexploded mines and ordinances after Indochinese war. --Pooja
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  • Don’t be loud and obnoxious. --Pooja
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  • Don't touch a monk. Treat monks with the highest respect. Buddhist monks are forbidden to touch or be touched by a woman, or to accept anything from the hand of woman. --Pooja
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  • Don’t get involved in local religion or politics. --Pooja
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  • Do not spit everywhere --Pooja
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  • Don't touch strangers and locals. Physical touch is not a common thing. --Pooja
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  • Do not smoke inside a Buddhist temple or inside a restaurant --Pooja
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  • Wear proper cloths and be conservative. --Pooja
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  • Don’t forget the standard Lao greeting is ”Sabaideebore” (How are you?), usually done with both hands pressed together in prayer in front of your body and accompanied with a slight bow or nod. Younger should always bow first. Some men will also shake hands. --Pooja
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  • Don't forget to negotiate taxi fare before you ride unless the taximeter is on. --Pooja
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  • Don’t forget to remove your shoes before entering someone’s home or Buddhist temple. --Pooja
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Top contributor: Pooja (25 entries)

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