
Top 10 Things

  • What NOT to do
  • What to do
  • Don't touch someone's head --Mamata
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  • Don't lose the temper and cause "loss of face". The concept of "saving face" is extremely important --Mamata
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  • When invited to the dining table wait to be told where to sit as you would not want to upset any hierarchical arrangements. --Mamata
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  • Do not use American sarcasm, it doesn't translate well and the Khmer people won't understand. --Gillian Wyatt
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  • Don’t necessarily use long and direct eye contact with women in business - it should be kept to a minimum. Always wait for her to offer a hand for a handshake. --Mamata
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  • Don't rush the communication and don’t be too direct - Cambodians are indirect communicators and they will rather stay silent than saying no or disagree directly. --Mamata
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  • Locals are conservative. Do not hug or kiss in public --Mamata
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  • the eldest person should start eating before others. Do not begin eating until the eldest person starts. --Mamata
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  • Don't touch a Cambodian with your feet - is the height of bad manners. Cambodians consider feet to be the lowest part of the body. --Mamata
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  • It's also not uncommon for Cambodians to use their hands when eating. So no need to worry... --Mamata
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  • Remove the shoes before entering the house. --Mamata
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  • When giving gifts use both hands. --Mamata
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  • Greetings between Cambodians are dependent on the relationship/hierarchy/age between the people. --Mamata
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  • Don’t forget to slightly bow with bringing hands together at chest level when greeting someone --Mamata
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  • When greeting/speaking to people, unless you're in very specific circumstances, try to use people's titles as much as possible (Bong, Boo, Ming, Ohm, etc.). For example, if you're talking to someone who is around your same age say, "Bong *insert name*, how are you?" --Gillian Wyatt
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  • You should always make the effort to greet the most senior / oldest person first and the least senior / youngest person last. --Mamata
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  • When meeting a group you will be introduced to the highest-ranking person similarly, you should have the most senior of your group greet them. --Mamata
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  • When using a spoon and fork, they use the fork to move the food onto their spoon, before placing the spoon in their mouth. --Mamata
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  • Face can be given to others by praising them in public, hosting them to a nice meal or giving them special treatment. --Mamata
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  • Be punctual. Don’t be late for business meetings - it shows a lack of respect for the person you are meeting. --Mamata
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Top contributor: Mamata (25 entries)

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