
Top 10 Things

  • What NOT to do
  • What to do
  • Don't burp or talk while eating. That's considered rude or impolite. Don't blow your nose while at the table. --P.Oliveira
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  • Brazilians often carry toothbrushes with them and brush their teeth after every meal. If you have “bafo” (bad breath) they won’t want to be around you. --Fernanda
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  • DO NOT try to speak to Brazilians in Spanish. Most people do understand a bit since it's similar to their native language, but Brazil's official language is Portuguese --Emilia
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  • Brazilian coffee tends to be stronger than what you'd find in North America. Don't pour yourself a huge cup (like at Starbucks). --Emilia
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  • When moving about do not wear gold chains, crosses, watches, jewelry or expensive cameras dangling loose from your neck. It makes you a target. Wear plain clothes, nothing really fancy (unless going to an event). Keep phones and wallets in inside pockets close to your person. Don’t leave your bags. --Rafi
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  • When receiving a gift at their birthday party, Brazilians choose to open it later, away from prying eyes. Opening a gift in front of everyone is considered impolite/showing off. --T.Crompton
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  • DON'T throw your toilet paper into the toilet. Use the waste basket provided instead. This applies to houses, apartments, public places, some hotels, everywhere if you want to be on the safe side (unless there's a sign above the toilet saying otherwise) --Emilia
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  • If you rent a car or decide to go visit the slums (favelas). Don't go by yourself, always go with a local or someone who knows the area. --P.Oliveira
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  • Don't arrive on time when you're invited to someone's house! And especially don't arrive early. It's rude...maybe the host isn't ready yet. --Emiliooo
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  • It`s totally accepted and expected for couples to show affection in public. Don`t be shocked ! =) --P.Oliveira
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  • Couples generally sit next to each other not in front of each other at a restaurant. --P.Oliveira
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  • Choose Uber instead of Taxi because they charge a lot more. --P.Oliveira
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  • Always say "Bom dia", " Boa tarde" or "Boa noite" when you enter any place or ask for information. Brazilians love when you try to speak Portuguese even if you don't say it right. We really appreciate your effort! --P.Oliveira
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  • Learn some basic words in Portuguese if you travel to Brazil but don't try to speak Spanish with us all the time. We will appreciate it! =) --P.Oliveira
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  • Feijoada. Most locals love it. Foreigners either love it or hate it. Worth a try unless you don't eat pork (some places do serve vegetarian feijoada, depending on where you go) or don't tolerate beans. These are the 2 main ingredients. --Emilia
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  • Invite Brazilian for lunch/ dinner but ask them, don't just take them to eat pizza, hot dog or hamburgers. We love it but those are more like snacks for us. Usually, the words lunch and dinner imply more like a meal with rice, meat/chicken, beans, etc. --P.Oliveira
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  • Remember to wash your hands before eating. Eat everything on your plate. --P.Oliveira
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  • If you want to buy something like gifts or souvenirs just ask for some discount. =) Smile and say " Tem desconto?" They will probably be so happy that they will give you a discount. (In Rio de Janeiro works ) --P.Oliveira
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  • When invited to a house, eat whatever they offer. It's usually considered disrespectful if you don't accept what they generously offer. Unless you have a serious food restriction. In that case, inform the host. --Olive tree
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Top contributor: P.Oliveira (12 entries)

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